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Textbox component is an interactive elements used to collect user input. It is commonly used in forms and search bars and it is designed for seamless interaction.


Below is an example of the textbox component.


visiblebooleantrueControls the textbox's visibility. When true, the textbox is visible; when false, it is hidden.
sizeenum (small, medium, large, extra-large)mediumSets the textbox's size, adjusting padding, font size, and layout compactness accordingly.
positionnumber[]0 0 0Specifies the textbox's position.
primarystring (blue, #fff)#000000Defines the primary color of the textbox (affecting text, background, icon background).
variantstring (light, dark)""Sets the button's color scheme mode, either "light" or "dark," for visual theme consistency.
isactivatedbooleanfalseSpecifies whether the textbox is activated.
bordercolorstringblackSpecifies the color of the textbox's border.
textcolorstringblackSpecifies the color of the textbox's text.
labelstring""Specifies the text of the textbox's label.